by TheVoice | May 23, 2019 | Android, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Divi Project, Mobile, Videos
mMOCCI Mobile Masternode One-Click Cloud Install (PREVIEW) Mobile Masternode One-Click Cloud Installs (more like One-Finger, Cloud Installs) Got to test this on Friday! Installed the masternode afternoon 04/29/2019 – this is COMING! *Preview*You...
by TheVoice | May 14, 2019 | BADCOIN, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, OSX, Videos
OSX BADCOIN Qt Wallet Quick Backup (close your wallet first) *In my video my wallet is closed – make sure your wallet is closed too. Otherwise, you may backup a corrupt copy.* This is a super quick backup for your Badcoin Directory folder located in...
by TheVoice | May 13, 2019 | BADCOIN, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, OSX, Videos
OSX BADCOIN Qt Dump Wallet – Public and Private Keys This process will allow you to dump all of your public and private keys from your wallet. The process is similar and Windows and Linux with minor variations in file name locations and directory syntax....
by TheVoice | May 13, 2019 | BADCOIN, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, OSX, Videos
Dump Private Key for BADCOIN Qt Wallet This is how you dump a single private key from the BADCOIN wallet. This is the same process for OSX, Windows, and Linux. Basically, open your wallet, go to Help and select Debug Then when that window opens select the...
by TheVoice | Mar 14, 2019 | Blockchain, Blocknet, Cryptocurrency, Linux, OSX, Videos, Windows
Windows Blocknet DX Quick Setup However, setup is nearly identical but for terminology and tools for extraction, and directory locations. If you ever need that info its easy! Pretty much download, configure and restart your wallets and Blocknet DX the first...